Meet the PSE Team


Performance Sport Events (“PSE”) is a nationally recognized field hockey organization that provides regional and national opportunities for all playing levels, ages, and roles. We believe that each person deserves a place to play, compete, and grow. Combining our passion and commitment with our field hockey expertise, the team at PSE creates an ecosystem where everyone in our community has a place to excel. Your journey starts here.


Performance Sport Events started by operating College Connection, previously White Mountain Sports, which was one of the first major field hockey camps in the country. Over 38 years ago, the first White Mountain Sports camp was held at Plymouth State College in Plymouth, NH. The immediate success of that very first year propelled White Mountain Sports into one of the sports’ leaders for growing and promoting field hockey.

With the evolution of junior high, high school and club field hockey, College Connection has had the vision and primary focus to stay ahead of the trends and meet the changing needs of the sport. Today, PSE continues to offer great programs for teams and individual players, but has gone a step further to provide specialty programs for field players, goalkeepers and college bound prospects and a variety of tournament opportunities to increase their exposure.

Shooting Star Tournaments we’re added to the events landscape in 2016, when there was a desire in the field hockey community for showcase tournaments on synthetic turf fields. Starting with Thanksgiving in 2016, Shooting Star now hosts 10 tournaments nation-wide, servicing athletes ranging from U10 to Masters (35+).

While expanding, Shooting Star has stayed true to their fundamental values, catering to every athlete, club coach, college coach, umpire, parent and fan – striving to provide a professional, inspiriting and authentic experience. The testimonials throughout the years speak to just that – check out what people have to say about Shooting Star events here.

Shooting Star is committed to providing an elite and competitive atmosphere for all levels. Shooting Star tournaments are hosted annually throughout the United States.

Elite Field Hockey Camp is a New England hockey tradition that has provided generations of players in the region with memorable moments. The team based curriculum facilitates development, learning, and team culture throughout the camp. An elite staff of coaches promotes this individual and team growth from start to finish!

As the operator for these field hockey events, PSE formed in 2024 to elevate the professionalism and growth of the entire field hokey landscape.



Call or Text: 508-782-4664

Mailing Address: PO Box #6, Natick, MA 01760